Recruit Revolution 2024

Join before March 31st and receive my self assessment kit & course

Recruit Revolution 2024

Join before March 31st and receive my self assessment kit & course


Have more applications


Employ the right people


Create culture 


Attract and Retain top talent


Inner Works Solutions
Inner Works Solutions

Does this sound like you?

Are traditional methods falling flat in today's fast-paced world? If you're ready to break free from the old-school approach and embrace a modern way of recruiting, our Recruitment Revolution Membership is your ticket to success. Get access to the latest strategies, expert advice, and a dynamic community of forward-thinkers, all geared towards transforming the way you hire. Say hello to a new era of recruitment and HR support. 

Join Now


When you join the Membership, you gain access to a vibrant community and network of like-minded professionals who understand your needs and offer invaluable support, advice, and collaboration opportunities to fuel your success in the ever-evolving world of employees.

Each month, we ensure you stay ahead with in-depth coverage of crucial topics and exclusive insights from a rotating lineup of special guest experts. Elevate your HR game as we delve into essential themes and provide direct access to industry leaders, empowering you to thrive in today's competitive employment landscape.

Gain access to a wealth of resources when you join our Membership, including customisable templates, handy checklists, downloadable guides, and more. Elevate your Business HR and supercharge your efficiency today.

Check out just some of the  topics:


I'm Sarah Jane


Introducing Sarah, the visionary founder of Inner Works Solutions, a beacon of innovation and support in the realm of business administration and recruitment. With a career spanning from the culinary arts to entrepreneurship, Sarah's journey has been a relentless pursuit of excellence and unwavering dedication.

In 2024, Sarah celebrates the joys of life alongside her two cherished boys, a testament to her commitment to balance and fulfilment. Her brainchild, Inner Works Solutions, was born out of a keen observation of the gaps in the market, where businesses struggled to find comprehensive support in recruitment and administration.

Drawing from her diverse professional background as a qualified chef, catering and restaurant manager, and seasoned company trainer, Sarah brings a wealth of experience to the table. Her foray into entrepreneurship alongside her former partner resulted in the successful establishment of their first sales and marketing venture, a testament to her boldness and entrepreneurial spirit.

With a track record of managing over 140 employees across multiple states, venues, and locations, Sarah brings invaluable experience from the trenches of high-turnover industries. Her firsthand encounters with the complexities of employee management have been a crucible for learning and growth. From navigating diverse work environments to tackling the challenges of fluctuating staffing needs, Sarah's journey is marked by real-world experiences honing her expertise and resilience.

Join Sarah, and her community of business owners who all help each other with real time experience, gaining support within the business, mind and more. 




No Lock In Contract

  • 97 per month
  • No lock-in contract 
  • Gain access to the community
  • 2 masterclasses per month
  • Templates and checklists are instantly usable for your business!



  • 997 upfront payment for the year 
  • No lock-in contract 
  • Gain access to the community
  • 2 masterclasses per month
  • Templates and checklists are instantly usable for your business!